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Installing Tapestry#

npm i -g tapestry-pipeline

Note: With the exception of init, all Tapestry commands should be run from the root directory of your Tapestry project.

Tapestry Commands#

The following commands are provided to you upon installation:

tapestry initGathers project information and provision necessary project folders and template files.
tapestry deployDeploys a full data pipeline including Airbyte for ingestion and Grouparoo for syncing, both provisioned on AWS resources and connected to a Snowflake data warehouse.
tapestry kickstartDeploys the same pipeline as deploy, but also includes configuration for Zoom and Salesforce as Airbyte sources and Mailchimp as a Grouparoo destination.
tapestry start-serverLaunches Tapestry UI dashboard locally on port 7777.
tapestry rebuildRebuilds local Grouparoo image and pushes that udpdated image to user's ECR repository, updating the Grouparoo Cloudformation stack in the process.
tapestry teardownKills pipeline ingestion and syncing by tearing down most of the provisioned AWS resources.